Section I

Thank's for visiting Bikko's Shrine!, all the art displayed here is property of ROMANTIC FOOL since 1995 (Yoshida On). Please consider checking out his art and the original pieces.

Bikko's Shrine is a web page that takes the role of wiki and archive for Bikko and media related to her.

Please consider visiting the Bikko's Sub-Reddit, most information displayed here is a modified version taken out directly from r/Bikko and other sources from around the internet.


If you want to translate a Doujin displayed in Links, please contact Nora (me) or the r/Bikko admin u/Hanko_Panko with the raw doujin you want to translate (you can find untranslated raws in japanese on the "Links" tab).

Thank you for your help!

Plugging On

If you want to see more of Yoshida On's art, you can check his Twitter at @ononon. Or take a trip on the Wayback Machine and have a peek of his older works which were posted on his now-dead website.

There's a lot of fanart of Bikko, if you want to dig them up, type one of her monickers in your favorite image site, danbooru, gelbooru, etc.